ICAO State Letter management
ICAO uses State Letters to communicate with its Contracting States on a frequent basis. Every State has one or more National Continuous Monitoring Coordinators (NCMC) who have a formal responsibility to stay up to date with latest information and changes. These State Letters are also used for the Annex amendment proposals and feedback collection.
As States receive several hundreds of State Letters and many of them require a formal State answer and/or specific required actions to be taken, there is a need for careful management of these letters. Systemmatic has developed a solution to ensure all letters are centrally managed and distributed across the various organisations and responsible persons. This allows keeping track of required actions, tasks, log entries and an audit trail of activities.

Organising the State Letter process
The Systemmatic solution to organising the State Letter process involves a number of predefined mechanisms.
A role based user interfaces ensures that everyone involved can focus on his responsibility. National Coordinators can ensure receiving and registering the letters, determining national required actions and assigning correct distribution. Annex / PANS owners can focus on tasks relating to their field of expertise and responsibility. Management can keep an overview of progress, status and deadlines.
Predefined themes can be configured in such a way that the distribution is reliable and easy to involve everybody within its role. Rather than forwarding all State Letters to a large group of people, the distribution is targeted and everybody in that thematic group is aware of his role and responsibility.
There is no confusion on the status of a State Letter. As National Coordinators determine the way it should be handled, and everyone involved works in the same online application, it is always clear what is the current status and latest activity.