Systemmatic platform

Wouldn’t it be great if you and your team could:

  • Assign (groups of) questions to the responsible managers who in their turn can delegate them to their experts while tracking progress
  • Quickly get insight into areas and questions that need additional attention
  • Take a thematic approach to answering questions to ensure evidences are aligned (e.g. training programmes, job descriptions, manuals, procedures)
  • Hyperlink your safety management system to simplify continuous compliance
  • Manage corrective actions in the same platform
  • Connect with a subject matter expert familiar with the specific question at hand


Compliance Checklists

See your ‘to do’ list based on a comparison of filed checklists and the latest ICAO guidelines.

Protocol Questions

Work on the protocol questions assigned to you or view all questions of the whole team.

Review answers

Overview of submitted answers for your review.

Upload CCs and PQs

Upload selected checklist by annex or protocol question by audit area

Manage Findings

Manage audit findings in a central location to enable action planning.

User Details

Manage users, credentials and authorisations to stay in control.


Our platform comes with built-in integrations with a broader suite of services including online legislation tracker, email notification services, business process and manuals development software (e.g. Sparx Enterprise Architect), workflow automation and user authentication management.

Our platform is the first to directly integrate with the ICAO online framework, making sure that the information is present, up to date and validated.

Depending on the software you use we can even provide custom built connectors to make sure we can integrate with what you have in place. Compliance will become part of daily operations by directly sharing compliance information with other applications.

We offer an online platform with a dedicated audit function to prepare for and manage ICAO audits. The tool helps efficiently prepare for the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP), work together in teams and keep track of Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) and Protocol Question (PQ) status for your organisation.

With our compliance manager you can prepare the safety USOAP ICAO audits, including the ICVM and Corrective Action Plans) as well as the security USOP ICAO Audits.

Our compliance manager is the first tool to directly link to the ICAO online framework (OLF) so there is no need to separately upload your USOAP responses (*) or to copy & paste to the ICAO site. The application will upload it for you when you are ready. *) Because of security restrictions this function is not enabled for the USOP audit.

A great advantage of centralising all the audit information is now you have your live ‘dashboards’ to monitor, manage and oversee the whole audit process. Every stage is covered, from initial preparation, through the audit itself, to the management of any corrective action plans, and continued compliance with the ICAO standards.

Our compliance manager ensures you have your whole team involved. By assigning your project manager for the whole process this person is in control of who will be assigned groups of questions. This person can e.g. delegate domains like aerodromes, personal licensing, ATM/ATS, airworthiness, etc. Depending on your organisation other specific groups of questions may be relevant. Those delegated people will also be able to involve their teams by assigning (groups of) questions to the specialists in their areas.

By regrouping Protocol Questions and Compliance Checklists you can improve standardisation and harmonisation across the aviation domains. All the answers and evidences are centrally available allowing for cross-checks, e.g on functions, policies, job descriptions.

Our compliance manager is a very effective and cost-efficient tool that saves the Aviation Authorities precious resources (staff / money) throughout their organisation when preparing the audit, when developing and implementing the corrective action plans, when using it to manage and maintain the information of the State in the ICAO on-line Framework, and as a permanent source of information for the senior management, staff and experts.

Upload compliance checklists to ICAO

Select the annex you wish to upload to ICAO. Our mechanism has proven itself to be reliable and fast. No more copy & paste interfaces or tedious repetetive work.

The Systemmatic platform connects directly to the application programming interface (API) of the ICAO Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) online framework.

Our History

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